Jon Donk

Jon grew up in the arts haven of Ithaca, New York. During his teen years when he wasn’t interning at a local theater, Jon was at his family’s camp on Donk Lane in Newcomb, New York. Jon attended Montserrat College of Art. After school, he began his career as a staff member at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts while freelancing as a theater technician and designer throughout New York. Jon returned to his hometown as Audience Services Director of The Hangar Theatre where he worked on the Hangar for All Seasons campaign. He then moved to Florida Studio Theatre where he helped grow the subscription base to 10,000 subscribers. As Development Director, Jon and his team completed the Gompertz Theater Campaign, renovating a hundred-year-old theatre and building two new theatres as well as a restaurant. Throughout his career, Jon has worked to find the intersection between visual and performing arts. This interest pushed Jon to help found the LPCA’s Gallery 46, now in its 8th year. The Gallery has sold more than 10,000 works of local art and has paid more than one million dollars to Adirondack artists. Jon is thrilled for the opportunity to bring his love of all art forms and passion for the communities of the Adirondacks to his role as Managing Director. Jon continues to serve as the curator for Gallery 46, while managing the day to day operations of the organization.