Metamorphosis Juried Art Show

Gallery Hours: Thursday-Saturday, 1-5 pm
Opening Reception: Thursday, January 16, 5-7 pm

The 2025 Metamorphosis exhibit is a celebration and an exploration of change, and the myriad ways we encounter transformation in our lives and the world around us.

As the LPCA stands in a moment of transition, recognizing our first 50 years of service to the community and preparing to renovate our facility for the next 50 and beyond, we invite artists of all mediums to reflect on their own moments of transformation – internal or external, personal or environmental, material or spiritual.


Listed alphabetically by title.

A Life Well Lived Maria DeAngelo
A Time of Transition Jim Abendroth
Adirondack Dome – Becoming Cathy Hartung HONORABLE MENTION
Adirondack Monarch Meadows 4 Stephen Dicerbo
Amanita Devin Lail
Ancestral Waves Michale Glennon
As Sun Sets Mary Woodcock Johnson
Between Earth and Sky Amy Thomas HONORABLE MENTION
Birches in Drag Larry Malone THIRD PLACE
Bleeding Heart – Flipped Series James Bullard
Chrysalis Phil Gallos
Clivia – Flipped Series James Bullard
Crossings Steven Cobb
Daphne Sue Burdick Young
Darkness to Light Ethan Wilson
Day to Night Mary Woodcock Johnson
Don’t Be A Cairn Britney Shaw
Emerging Phil Gallos HONORABLE MENTION
Escape Leigh Ann Smith
Evolve (States 2,4,5,6) Noah Bonesteel SECOND PLACE
Fiddlehead Ron Nolland
Fireworks Show Vase Marie Cogar
Gothic Evolution Erik Wilson
Green Vase Eleanor Sweeney
Glowing Evening Sky Jeremy Riel
Guideboat Eclipse – An Adirondack Fantasy Barry Lobdell
Heralds of the Woodland Floor Janet Millstein HONORABLE MENTION
Howes it Hanging Megan Kleine
Iris – Flipped Series James Bullard
It Hurts to Grow Nip Rogers
Journey Megan Kleine
Mama Mountain Leah Kaczanowicz
Maxwell’s Electromagnetic Migration Travis Jeffrey
Memories of Driftwood Sylva Gaspar
Meta-Fortitude Laura Timmons
Mid December on the Adirondack Loj Jeremy Riel
Mist Across Lake Flower Skip Murray
Moody Waters, Lower Saranac Lake Jill Murphy HONORABLE MENTION
Morning Fog on Long Lake Jill Murphy
Morning is Breaking Mary Woodcock Johnson
New Wings Nip Rogers
Night Dreams Roxy Lentz
Not Now Blue Michael Hart
November Sandra Hildreth
Now Closed Mud Pond Bridge Over North Branch Saranac River – Loon Lake Edith Urban
Palm Reading ll Janet Millstein
Phoenix 1 Richard Fisher
Potential Russ Hartung
Presence of Absence Michael Hart
Rebirth/Lake’s Pond Catherine Wagner Minnery
Reformation of Light Lynda Mussen
Renewal Phil Merlino
Salutations To The Moon Annoel Krider
Seasonal Metamorphosis Karen Parker
Seasons: Renovation of the Hymn to Demeter Travis Jeffrey
Secret Garden Janet Millstein
Sky Ground Sky in 11×23 Rene’ Jacoby
Sky Ground Sky in 16×24 Rene’ Jacoby
Sky Ground Sky in 16×25 Rene’ Jacoby
Sleep is Elusive Janet Millstein
Standing by the River Holly Friesen
Stardust James Barton
Sweet Nectar for the Honeybee Vera Doumanoff
The Branch in November Jeremy Riel
The Glacier Marie Engles
The Second Horizon Annoel Krider
The Sixth Warmest Year-2022 Heidi Jones
Tidal Flow William Crosby
Tomorrow’s Promise Jeremy Riel FIRST PLACE
Transit Russ Hartung
Triple Pears Judy Guglielmo
Triptych: Enlightenment Ann Haskel
Tubular Squeeze Nancy Brossard
Untitled Mark Kurtz
We Couldn’t Slow Down Nip Rogers
We Drank the Kool-Aid Nip Rogers
Whispers on the Wings John Cullen
Window of Perception Leah Kaczanowicz
Winter Finds Its Inner Fall Larry Malone
Winter’s Day, North Fork Boquet River Jill Murphy
Yesterday These Tamaracks Were Green Eleanor Sweeney